Funding Renewable Energy Expansion
North America
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do
SUNPOWER Passes work?

When you purchase SUNPOWER Passes for your self or as a gift, FREE North America pools the money with funds from other environmentally concerned people. Next FREE North America selects a school or nonprofit from the waiting list and buys an appropriate renewable energy system and has it installed.

I hear that “additionality” is important. What is it and how does FREE North America address this issue?

There is concern that, to be effective, carbon offset credits (SUNPOWER Passes in this case) must fund “additional” renewable energy capacity that would not have existed without that monetary support.

In the published case of the US Congress buying carbon credits, that company distributed funds to projects which had been on-going for years and, in one case, gave a substantial amount to a test project which was completed a year earlier! (Washington Post Jan 28, 2008 “Value of U.S. House’s Carbon Offsets Is Murky”)

Every project FREE North America funds is new, additional to the renewable energy portfolio and would not have been installed without financial backing from funds from involved people like you.

How do I determine how many SUNPOWER Passes to buy to off set my carbon production?

The staff at FREE North America has figured out an easy method for you to total up your amount. Just enter in the number of vehicles, airplane mileage……. You account for in a year and the form will total your cost. These amounts are based on the “average American home” use. If you wish to figure your exact, individual amount, please use the link to the carbon calculator, return with the amount and enter that number in the form.

I want to help. Can I donate money to support the efforts of FREE North America over and above the amount to buy SUNPOWER Passes?

Yes, click on the donate button and you can contribute any amount you wish. We will make sure the donation is used to provide more renewable energy for North America.

Why does FREE North America do small, individual projects?

We do projects on schools and nonprofits. We believe the more projects done on a local, individualized basis, the more understanding and acceptance there will be of renewable energy. By us helping schools purchase and install renewable electric systems, the children get to see renewable energy systems in daily use, teachers can demonstrate the way the system works and parents can also learn the benefits. The school saves money because the renewable system is generating electric and reducing the electric bill. The taxpayer wins because the school doesn’t spend as much on electric. The community wins because more electric is generated locally, reducing the chances of brown outs and by having small, decentralized production; we reduce the need for more high voltage lines crisscrossing the countryside.

How do I get my school/nonprofit on the waiting list for a renewable energy system? 

The more, the merrier! Please email and give us the contact information for the school/nonprofit and the name and address of the building.

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